Angry Old Wankers (release party) The Butcher & Fist of Fury
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Angry Old Wankers
Waar het jeukt moet je krabben zeggen ze vaak. Na een tijdje niks gedaan te hebben is de Hardcore toch weer gaan jeuken, dus zijn wij maar weer begonnen met krabben. En zie hier het resultaat van het krabben: De Agry Old Wankers! Of afgekort (hoe toepasselijk voor een paar ouwe knarren) AOW. AOW staat voor en schop onder je kont en een klap in je gezicht, snel, hard en aggressief. Van alles te melden en soms helemaal niks, maar wat eruit komt, komt vooral recht uit het hart! Of… uit een flesje bier! AOW staat voor Oldschool Hardcore en probeert het gevoel van de Hardcore uit de jaren 80 te laten herleven. Denk aan bands als Negative Approach, Bad Brains, Slapshot, Agnostic Front. Enz. Enz. Verwacht dus geen harmonieuze samenzangen en mooie melodien of zware metal riffs, nee verwacht een potje Oldschool Hardcore, ouderwets hakken en breken. De Angry Old Wankers zijn: Dries – Front J.P. – Drums Wil – gitaar Boertje – Bas Hertog Jan – Tap of Fles
The Butcher
Right from day one of their existence in 1997 the Butcher has managed to set a strong name for themselves in the European hardcore punk scene. The Butcher’s fast music, comparable to early-eighties hardcore punk, receives a warm welcome from a wide audience, ranging from fans of old school hardcore to trash and early punk.
The Butcher has released five full-length albums; Assassins at your Service, Backyard Burial, Mass Destruction Manual, Army of Apocalypse and their newest manifest called Bad Blood proving their full commitment to their style and music. They are renowned for their energetic live-shows making it hard for the crowd not to join in on the action. The Butcher performs as headlining act at many gigs and clubs and regularly shares the stage with great bands like DRI, Ignite, Dropkick Murphy’s, Slapshot, Blood for Blood, UK Subs, Backfire! and Discipline.
Fist of Fury
Fist Of Fury started out first as Down To Earth. They released a demo-cd called ‘riot’. The band has grown up since that 1st Down To Earth demo. They now changed their name to Fist Of Fury [nl] and their songs are way more agressive than before and with their new line-up (Adrian on Guitar & Maurice on bass) they’re heavier than ever! Their style can best be described as a mixture between American Nightmare, Terror, Comeback Kid, Killing The Dream and Carry On.
Their lyrics deal with the everyday struggle that’s known as life. There isn’t a topic that’s left out; which makes people always relate to their songs. Their sound is now more melodic than before but they also managed to keep their songs as agressive as possible.
Deur open: 21:30, aanvang: 22:30 // entree: €5,- , leden: €3,-

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