Bermuda Square & special steve

Datum van de show: 2012-06-09

Bermuda Square is a self called Neo-new wave act. Quickly dancing drums collaborate with the melodic melancholic melodies.
Special Steve is the formation of friends and collaborators Vladimir Stevic (vocals), Kenneth de Krieger(lead-guitar) , Bas Veens (bass) and Bart Hoogvliet (drums).
Our instrumentation is fluid and effortless, and the vocals are delivered melodically and forcefully, with enough rasp and effect saturation to fit nicely within the music.
Deciding to take music seriously, we recorded a self-released EP called ‘Weapons Of Mass Attack’ containing four tracks with a sweaty, seething basement to a new kind of unforgettable fist-pumping, beer-chugging rock music from Dutch grounds.

Deur open: 21.30 // Aanvang: 22.00″

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